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Globe St. | Bringing Startups and Investors Together

Chelsea Cain
Updated June 28, 2016
Did you see the exclusive Globe St. article, Bringing Start-Ups And Investors Together featuring TenantBase? We were very excited to be featured in this piece about the upcoming partnership between TenantBase, OCPRENEUR, and WeWork 

TenantBase, OCPRENEUR, and WeWork look forward to this chance to create unique collaborations between Orange County entrepreneurs, potential partners, investors and advisors. Starting in July, we will co-launch our first in a series of exclusive events in which startups will have the chance to meet and form mutually beneficial partnerships with peers, advisors, and investors.


At each event, a small selection of local Orange County startups will be invited to briefly present, network, and build relationships with interested potential investors and advisors. Because the events are small (under 25), each attendee will have the opportunity to engage in deeper, more productive conversations and gain valuable connections for the future. 


The event will consist of short presentations, followed by an hour of introductions and conversation, when investors and advisors are encouraged to bring questions and feedback to each startup. Ultimately, the goal of these events is to support our entrepreneurial community and creating fundraising opportunities for local startups.


For consideration, startups are encouraged to submit an online application. A maximum of three will be invited to present and network at each event. 

We encourage interested investors to reach out to our Marketing Director, Chelsea Cain, at

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